Hijacking Incidents
Incident 1
Venue: Our House in JB City
Time: Approximately 7 pm, one Ramadhan evening, 2006. Buka Puasa time.
Everyone was breaking fast, so was Nayniss. As always, orang lain yang berbuka puasa, Nayniss yang kenyang dulu. Tok Abah, Tok, Mama and Papa and sometimes Mak Long took turns holding Nayniss. We could easily place her in her stroller and leave her there, next to us, but sayang punya pasal, tak sampai hati, nak juga Nayniss join us breaking fast. During buka puasa, Nayniss would be allowed to have a bite on raisins and dates (sipping the juices from it actually) and drink filtered water.
As Mama was passing the Asma Rojak plate to Papa, all of a sudden the senduk was hijacked from the plate by Nayniss, who was sitting on Mama's lap. It was sudden and done quietly and very selambaly by her. At first everyone was silent, and then everybody shouted in unison, "Senduk, senduk, dia dapat senduk", and burst into laughter. Mak Long said, "Fuiyo, dia hijack sendukkk!" Papa immediately took the senduk from her, and Mama switched Nayniss to her other side, far from the plate. But Nayniss' facial expression was indifferent. Selamba aje as if nothing happened. Cool, huh Nayniss?
Note : When holding Nayniss, be mindful of any nearby decorative ornaments, cutlery, and even tablecloth, especially those in bright colors. DULY NOTED by Nayniss!
Incident 2
Venue: Our House In JB City
Mama was eating toast spread with Nutella whilst talking to Mak Long and Nayniss sat on Mama's lap as usual. When Nayniss repeatedly tried to grab the toast, Mama let her have a bite (sipped Nutella from the toast, actually). Suddenly she took a small bite (how she did that, I don't know because Nayniss hasn't got a single tooth pun, but her gums are really strong). Mama was a bit concerned, and asked Mak Long whether it was okay or not for Nayniss to eat the toast. Mak Long said, it's a tiny bite anyway, and bread is soft, so tak apalah. She must have liked the sweet-tasting Nutella agaknya.
The second time Mama let her have a taste of the toast, she took a bigger bite. This time Mama quickly swallowed her toast, and, seeing this, Nayniss was pretty mad. Mengamuk Nayniss, hentak-hentak kaki. And, seeing Mama trying to sip her canned Nescafe, Nayniss suddenly grabbed the straw, trying to get the can. It was quite a while, both of them bertarik-tarikkan Nescafe tu. Mama then quickly pulled the can, finished her drink and threw the can into the dustbin. Susah Mama dia nak makan, semuanya nak tumpang, ya Nayniss. Mama said "Toast, boleh beri lagi, Nescafe no way!". Hai Nayniss, dia ingat dia dah besar agaknya..so eager to try everything.
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